Home Health Partner Super Set – Total Gym Pulse

Partner Super Set – Total Gym Pulse

by Energyzonefitness

Reignite Your Fitness Goals & Partner Up to Keep Your Workouts Fun

Maria Sollon, MS, CSCS, PES

As we hit the midway point of the year, it’s the perfect time to check in with those fitness goals we set back in January.  Remember those?  They were full of enthusiasm and promise, and now it’s time to check in with yourself, reset your goals if they’ve changed or have gotten off track, and reignite your fitness journey.

7 Strategies to Reignite Your Goals and Stay Inspired

Summer was the season of barbecues, beach trips, and vacations, which can sometimes throw our fitness routines off track. Here’s a few powerful strategies to help you reset, refocus, and reignite your fitness goals to stay on point and feel accomplished:

  1. Prioritize Your Time: Life is a whirlwind of events and distractions. To avoid getting swept away, prioritize your time. Carve out part of your day for something positive, like a workout. Treat it like an important meeting with your boss, because, let’s face it, you’re the boss of your life.
  2. Schedule Your Workouts: Time flies when you’re having fun, so make sure to schedule your sweat sessions. Treat them like non-negotiable appointments.
  3. Be Flexible: If your usual gym session isn’t possible, take your workout outdoors. Go for a run, swim, or hike. Do anything that inspires you to keep active.
  4. Assess Your Goals Often: Setting high goals is fantastic, but regular progress checks are key to achieving them. Think of it as a GPS recalculating your route—sometimes adjustments are needed to stay on track. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing working?” If not, it’s time for a detour.
  1. Pick Your Poison: Indulgences are part of life, just make sure they’re done wisely and in moderation. If you love chocolate, allow yourself a small piece rather than a whole bar. This way, you satisfy your craving without derailing your progress. Remember, it’s all about balance.
  1. 3P’s: Plan, Prep, Produce: This is the trifecta of fitness success. Make a plan that you can commit to, prepare for it so you’re ready, and then produce the results you want to achieve. Be accountable for your actions and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
  1. Buddy Up: Exercising with a partner can make all the difference. They keep you motivated, focused, and accountable, turning workouts into fun and rewarding sessions. Having someone to sweat with and cheer you on makes the journey more enjoyable. It’s a great option when your workouts feel stale or you need a dash of friendly competition to spice things up!

Partner Workout: The Ultimate Super Set Circuit

Challenge your muscles with a fun and effective super set circuit!  The workout is designed to alternate between exercises performed ON and OFF of the Total Gym in timed intervals so that each partner can work at their own strength level for the ultimate challenge.

This routine not only keeps you accountable, but also adds a social element to your workout.  So gear up, grab your workout buddy, and train hard together!

Equipment Needed: Total Gym, hand weights, timer APP

Set Up: Medium – High Level, Squat Stand, Pull Up Bars attached


  • Warm-Up: Perform a series of dynamic movements to prepare your muscles for the workout.
  • Super Set Circuit:
    • The circuit contains 9 exercises that are grouped into super sets.
    • Partner A performs an exercise on the Total Gym while Partner B performs an exercise on the floor with hand weights for a set period of time (45 seconds), using the rest period of 15 seconds to switch exercises.
    • Repeat each super set twice, then move on to the next set of exercises and perform in the same manner.
    • Once all the exercises have been completed twice, either finish off with a cool down or if you have the energy, repeat the entire super set circuit two more rounds for the ultimate challenge! (2-4 sets total)
  • Cool Down: Conclude the workout with a series of stretches that help lengthen the worked muscles, reduce soreness, and prepare you for your next partner workout!

Warm-Up: 5 minutes

Super Set Circuit: (45 seconds ON, 15 seconds to switch exercises, repeat)

  1. Mini Squat Jumps and Squat & Press
    • A: Lie on the Glide Board with feet on the squat stand. Lower into a squat position, and jump upward, extending through the legs. Land softly and immediately lower back into the squat position to repeat.
    • B: Stand on the floor with weights in hands. Perform a squat keeping spine elongated. Press the weights overhead as you stand, repeat at your pace with proper form.
    • Switch & Repeat
  1. Pull Ups and Straight Leg Deadlift Rows
    • A: Perform full range of pull ups on the Total Gym. Your choice of hand grip position.
    • B: Stand with weights in hands at the front of thighs. Keep core engaged, back straight, and knees slightly bent as you hinge at the hips to reach weights towards toes. Return to standing by simultaneously performing a high pull row.
    • Switch & Repeat
  1. Bicycle Jog and Stationary Lunges
    • A: Lie on the Glide Board with feet on the Squat Stand. Begin to jog the legs and lift the upper torso into a crunch. Once you have the rhythm, rotate the torso towards the opposite knee in a pedaling motion.
    • B: Hold the hand weights by sides of legs and assume a lunge stance (one foot forward and one foot behind with the back heel lifted). Simultaneously bend both knees evenly into 90 degrees. Push through your front heel to return to standing. Perform one side the first round, the second side the second round.
    • Switch & Repeat
  1. Push Ups and Side Plank Press
    • A: Face away from the vertical column and kneel on the glide board in a modified plank position (glide board is open). Use the squat stand to perform a push up.
    • B: Assume a side plank on the floor with either one knee down (modified) or a full side plank (legs extended) and one weight in hand. Maintain the side plank while reaching the hand weight towards the floor then to press to ceiling. Perform one side the first round, the other side the second round.
    • Switch & Repeat
  1. High 5 Planks
    • Both Partners perform together.
    • Both partners assume a plank position on the floor facing each other about 3+ feet apart. (The farther away, the harder.) Maintaining the plank position, begin to alternate high 5 taps to your partner’s hand.  Modify with knees down or add a push up in between for more intensity.

Cool Down: 5-minutes

*Refer to the accompanying video to see a demonstration of how to perform the workout*

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. Regularly check in with your goals, reset them if needed, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this!

Enjoy the journey, laugh along the way, and don’t forget to high-five your workout buddy!



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