Home Yoga How To Promote Wellness In The Workplace

How To Promote Wellness In The Workplace

by Energyzonefitness

The strong link between the physical and nutritional wellbeing of employees and their productivity and engagement is a well-established fact. Promoting wellness within the workplace, where an employee invests a meaningful portion of their day, has a significant and transformative impact. That is where corporate wellness programs play a crucial role. It is a mix of ideals and initiatives to establish a healthy work culture and promote overall well being.

Employee wellness programs refer to initiatives undertaken by employers to enhance employee physical and mental health. Employers can implement training programs and conduct workshops or seminars related to fitness and nutrition. Organisations usually collaborate with specialised service providers to cater to various wellness needs.

Prioritising employee wellness and health is essential for any business aiming to establish a productive workplace. However, before initiating a program to address employee wellness, it’s crucial to determine the scale and the specific employee wellness solution. The need for good health and wellbeing is evident. 

Essential Aspects of a Successful Wellness Program

A successful wellness program must take into account the following key aspects:

  • Why do employees require wellness programs? 
  • How departmental needs vary when it comes to wellness
  • Addressing the departmental heads to align with tailored wellness solutions for the team 
  • Explaining a simple concept to all employees- that engaging in wellness solutions increases productivity

Before zeroing in on the wellness solution, assess the current state of workplace wellbeing. For example, every organisation has a high revenue target that their sales team needs to achieve. A typical sales-led organisation will have field sales people, managers and senior managers. A field salesperson will typically be out on client meetings throughout the day. They are usually irregular with their meal timings. Sales is a high-stress and high-reward function, and not meeting targets can really impact the physical and emotional health of a professional. A yoga class at the office does not help them as they would never be able to attend those classes. However, a reminder to eat on time and easy hacks to follow meditative practices may help them change their erratic schedule. As a result, their stress level and health may improve. 

On the other hand, the same organisation may have reasonably large IT, customer service, HR, admin, and CSR departments. Though all these departments are desk jobs, their work hours are different; some may work 9 to 5, and some may work in shifts. For one team, obesity and related lifestyle diseases could be the biggest concern. For the others with night shifts, getting their circadian rhythm and stress levels in order could be the objective. 

An organisation is not a uniform setup. It can be dissected by functions, roles, levels, gender, and ethnicity. Therefore, wellness has to be looked at from a micro level and extrapolated to the entire organisation, not as a generalised formula. It has to be a summative assessment by piecing together the micro-solutions.

9 Effective Ways to Promote Workplace Wellness

There are various strategies to promote or improve overall wellness in the workplace. Such as:

1. Personalised and Inclusive Approach

Ensure that your initiatives are inclusive. It should encompass everyone. Consider diverse needs and abilities. Then, offer a range of options to suit the particular needs of the varied workforce. 

Employee wellness solutions usually begin with physical wellness. For example, creating a culture and a conducive environment that encourages participation in physical activities like yoga and fitness classes and customising apps for food, hydration, sleep, and step trackers are significant initiatives. 

2. Easy Implementation

Effective employee wellness programs cover essential components like health screening, fitness challenges, and implementing user-friendly dashboards to track the progress of employees. On-site health clinics, wellness challenges, flexible work hours, team-building activities, and yoga and meditation classes are some other options. 

One can choose cost-effective and comprehensive corporate wellness plans by HealthifyMe tailored for SMEs, startups, and growing businesses. Customised digital challenges, motivational messages, and quotes through intranet and in-app messaging, as well as health checkups and fitness challenges, help employees stay on track.

3. Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

Employees need to take proper meal breaks and embrace mindful eating. When employees adopt healthier eating habits, their energy levels and moods improve. Plus, a 2019 BMC public health study indicates that what you eat directly impacts productivity. 

During mentally draining, long work hours, the appeal of comfort foods like pizza, cheesy sandwiches, French fries and burgers tend to outweigh healthier choices. Opting for nutrient-rich and balanced meals can contribute to sustained energy levels and better cognitive function, ultimately supporting both physical and mental health during demanding work periods.

To encourage healthy eating, some organisations are choosing to provide more nutritious options in their canteens and vending machines. E.g., snacks with whole grains, healthy fats, and nut milk or fruit juices. 

Normalising, taking breaks, and eating on time can improve the wellness quotient. Additionally, establishing an on-site fridge can encourage carrying cooked meals. 

4. Consider Physical Fitness Along With Nutritional Wellness

Exercise is a personal wellness goal that often takes a backseat for busy professionals. However, individuals who prioritise fitness can effectively :

  • Manage stress
  • Experience increased energy levels 
  • Better tackle deadlines 
  • Work more energetically. 

The primary and evident advantage of physical activity is its role in maintaining a healthy weight. It is crucial, especially considering the prevalent issue of obesity. 

A 2021 Research under Rev Bras Med Trab indicates that incorporating workplace exercise systematically, whether before, during, or after working hours, improves employee attention in the workplace. There are several steps you can take to ensure your team meets their daily quota of exercise.

  • Consider installing on-site gyms. 
  • Including gym membership as a perk
  • Periodic on-site health checkups 
  • Wellness breaks
  • Encourage employees to step out of the workstation by introducing walking meetings.
  • Normalise audio calls when videos are not needed to encourage movement
  • Strategically place printers and commonly used office accessories away from workstations to prompt movement. 

5. Biometric Screening

A classic component of wellness programs, biometric screenings measure physical characteristics like BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels in employees. Primarily focusing on physical wellness, these screenings aim to detect diseases early and assess health risks. 

The idea is that early identification can raise awareness. It can enable prevention or early detection of health conditions. Additionally, some programs use biometric screenings to identify high-risk employees for enrollment in disease management programs. A metabolic panel stands out as the premier tool for complete health screening, covering over 80 parameters, including diabetes, thyroid, and lipid profile.

Elevate employee engagement and well-being with a comprehensive Corporate Wellness Program that goes beyond the ordinary

6. Offering Resources

Not everyone is familiar with fitness programs or what might be suitable for their health needs. Support from the wellness coordinator or a nutritionist or access to informative materials with links to websites and online libraries may be necessary. Having a designated healthcare corner, whether physical or part of virtual employee wellness programs, can be beneficial.

7. Flexible Work Hours

Ease your team’s daily stress and prioritise employee wellness by allowing flexible working hours when feasible. In addition to flexible working hours, consider offering your team the option to work remotely. While it may not suit every situation or every employee, many organisations have roles that suit remote working. 

8. De-stressing Activities

Team members who can effectively handle stress tend to be top performers. Bring in experts to provide sessions on yoga, meditation, tai chi, or other relaxation techniques. Create comfortable break areas or relaxation zones within the workplace.

9. Recognition and Appreciation

Establish a culture of recognition, acknowledging and appreciating employees’ hard work and accomplishments. For instance, celebrate milestones and achievements to boost morale and job satisfaction. Consistently recognising the efforts and accomplishments of employees might appear minor to some, yet it is fundamentally essential for every employee.

The Final Word 

Promoting wellness strategies, which include nutrition, fitness, and mental wellbeing, creates a workplace culture that not only promotes health but also enhances engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction among employees. The journey toward wellness is a collective effort that benefits both individuals and organisations alike. 

A mindful approach to food choices and physical fitness during demanding work hours is crucial for overall well being. Additionally, incorporating de-stressing activities, like yoga or meditation, contributes to creating a supportive work environment. HealthifyMe stands as an inclusive solution, offering tailored fitness and nutritional plans and emphasising the importance of individual uniqueness.

Research Sources

The effectiveness of workplace nutrition and physical activity interventions in improving productivity, work performance and workability: a systematic review

The importance of workplace exercise

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